☀️ Rewards

Rewards are generated randomly on some encounters, when receiving on you will have to accept a positive Unit Traits and decide which unit should take it OR you might find a whole Units. Rewards are received after an encounter.

🌜 Punishments

Punishments are generated randomly on some encounters, when receiving on you will have to accept a negative Unit Traits and decide which unit should take it. Punishments are received before an encounter.

🕚 Day-Night Cycle

On the storyline view there is a “clock” at the top. This changes between day and night which corresponds to whether Rewards or Punishments will be given, sometimes waiting until the clock rolls around is a smart choice.

🤑 Shops

Occasionally you will come across a shop, the currency in SoTF is tombstones which you earn when you defeat enemies or lose your own allies.

Everyone likes a little shopping trip.

🪤 Mazes

Mazes will spawn randomly and give you a chance to recover from the brink of failure, you need to rescue your units from the Maze (if you want to, you can also earn tombstones this way)